Dione accepts private payment as well as providing psychological services for a range of third-party payers, including:

  • Medicare (Better Access Scheme)
  • Private Health Insurance
  • DVA

Referrals should be addressed to “Dione Tyler – Qualia Psychology” at the address listed in the contact section in order to be valid for MBS auditing purposes. Please give as much information about presenting concerns as possible.


At the completion of each block of sessions, Dione will write back to you to report on progress. Dione takes pride in the continued evaluation of progress throughout therapy with clients, therefore these reviews will nearly always include a graph or some other form of objective data reporting on the client’s progress.


Referrers are encouraged to contact Dione by phone or email. Dione believes that a team-based treatment approach is the most effective when it comes to treating the complexities of psychological problems

Referrals can be faxed to (07) 3607 2422. Please do not hesitate to contact us directly if you would like to discuss any aspect of referral or patient care.